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Friday, March 22, 2013

Insanity Week four! Done! Almost.

I have one day left until recovery week but close enough! I can't believe it's been a whole month. It really went by fast after I got into the swing of things. I am scared of month two, but really psyched to see the results. Here are my 30 day pics. Don't mind the undies. I never feel like putting on bathing suits to take pics.

Insanity 30 day results

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Week 3 of Insanity...I'm watchin' the clock for YOU!

I did it. Three whole weeks of Insanity. This week there were no obstacles and I completed the workouts each day. I also spent some extra time at night doing some of the cardio ab exercises and practicing push-ups in order to strengthen those areas. I have not seen any new measurements on my body nor on the scale, but I have been adamantly trying to eat healthy and I do need to eat carbs in order to have the energy to do the workouts. I solicited advice from my most body-builder-y friend, who told me to get my carbs from oatmeal, broccoli, and sweet potatoes...all tummy fat burners. I am not discouraged, I feel more toned, especially in my tummy and love handle area...or as I like to call them, hate handles. I plan on cleansing during my recovery week and that will drop the water weight quickly.

Let's talk about a little observation I must make. Tanya and Shaun T. should moonlight as porn stars. With the guttural moans and faces, all while looking directly at the camera. It's uncomfortable. You in it Tanya? You feelin' it? Oooh yeah!! Really?? They REALLY like exercising. And the plank exercise Shaun T. shows you during cardio abs, it's obscene. I'm probably blushing. I do have a little crush on him though. How can't you? I know. He's gay. It's not the first time I've had a crush on a gay man.

 No other updates this week, partially because my bored two year old is sitting next to me whining.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Insanity Week two...In the words of Shaun T...This shit is bananas, yo.

Welp, it was a rough go, but I did it...sort of. Week two didn't start out so great. After my day off on Sunday, I woke up feeling not so great on Monday. I suspected I had caught Reagan's cold, but I pushed through and did Monday's workout anyway. Huge mistake. Tuesday morning hit me like a ton of bricks. I was so sick Tuesday and Wednesday I could barely move and was sure I had the flu. But Thursday I woke up feeling much better, albeit guilty for skipping two workouts on my second week. So I doubled up on Wednesday and Thursday's workout on Thursday. I was so proud! Friday I did the workout, and Saturday was Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs. I LOVED cardio abs. It was an awesome workout. Kicked my tummy's ass. Is that possible? Anyway, I did plan on doing Tuesday's workout on Sunday....are you still following me here?...but I decided since today (Monday) was my fit test, I wanted to make sure I got that rest day in between for max results.

The beginning of week 2 I saw a 2 pound weight gain. I was mortified. But I did google around a lot and saw that was the case with a lot of Insanitizers. Apparently, your body tries to protect your sore and tired muscles by retaining water as a cushion. I was worried all week, but yesterday I woke up with that two pounds gone, AND a little inch loss. My new measurements: waist 28.5 down from 29, hips 35 down from 36, and thighs no change. In addition to a little inch loss in only 14 days, I have to say my upper tummy is showing amazing definition...something I have NEVER had, even before two kids. Last night, I just stared at in in the mirror, flexing and twisting and feeling pretty freaking neat. I am super motivated to keep going and see what it looks like in 60 days. I'm hoping it starts to eek down toward the baby pouch.

I'm sure I'd lose a few pounds to boot if I was following the diet. But let me tell you, this program makes you ravenous. I wake up with the best intentions but I always start foraging for food by mid afternoon. Also, according to the book that comes with the program, if I want to lose weight while on the program, I should be eating 1200 calories a day while torturing myself with these workouts. No wonder I don't ever lose weight. Screw it.

Some advice: I have found getting through the workouts much easier by learning all the names of the stupid skinny bitches so I can yell at them and express my hatred for them during workouts. It's also a good way to test if you can still talk or are too out of breath. Ex: Fuck you Tanya! You stupid skinny smiling whore! Suck it, Arielle, or however you spell it. And hey Shanita, what do you mean you want to leave?? Aren't you getting paid for this shit?? I'm out $150! STFU and keeping doing your stupid power jacks.

And lastly: here are my fit test results:

 Switch Kicks: wk1: 47 wk2: 59
Power Jacks: wk1: 40 wk:2 55
Power Knees: wk1: 50 wk2: 85
Power Jumps: wk1: 25 wk2: 31
Globe Jumps: wk1: 7 wk2: 9
Suicide Jumps: wk1:  3 wk2: 10
Push-up Jacks: wk1: 6 wk2: 7
Low Plank Oblique: wk1: 23 wk2: 32
