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Thursday, April 11, 2013

Insanity Month 2 week 1

Alrighty. I did the first week of month two! I feel accomplished! It was TOUGH. Especially day 1, which consisted of my Fit Test AND 60 minutes of Max Cardio. I seriously wanted to die. But I made it through. I improved on my Fit Test, but it was tough this time. I actually had to push to beat my last numbers. I don't know if that is from the fact that I had just taken off a week, or just because I generally suck. But here they are:

Anyway, I am halfway through week 2 already while posting this and I STILL haven't lost a single pound. But I do look better. Especially the last few days, I've caught glimpses of my bicep and calf in the mirror and thought, damn. I have muscles. I really wish I had more willpower to diet but, I just really like cookies.

Overall impression of Insanity week 2: the workouts are longer and tougher. LOTS of plank work, push up type stuff, and leg work. My legs still hurt halfway into week 2. I have my energy back and I'm feeling pretty neat-o. Okeedokee. Catch you on the flip, folks.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Insanity Recovery Week

Aaaah. Recovery Week. A break from the Insanity that is Insanity.  It was uneventful. I really had a tough time actually. It was a very easy workout, but I actually felt much MORE fatigued that week than usual. I couldn't wait to start the new month so I could get my cardio going again. I felt so crappy by Wednesday that I didn't even do the workout that day and kind of half assed it the next day. I was worried that may happen, since I have zero willpower under normal circumstances. But since I am already half a week into month 2, I can say that I am back on track now. Measurements and weight still holding steady. I have less than 4 weeks to vacation so it's crunch time now. I cut out all sugar and starchy carbs. I can say I'm not sure that will last because today's workout was HARD without the energy I needed, but that's a story for Sunday.